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:: welcome to NINOMANIA:: A constitutional law blog by Scalia/Thomas fan David M. Wagner, M.A., J.D., Research Fellow, National Legal Foundation, and Teacher, Veritas Preparatory Academy. Opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not reflect those of the NLF or Veritas. :: bloghome | E-mail me :: | |
:: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 ::
:: David M. Wagner 2:37 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 12:43 PM [+] :: ... I complimented Senator Reid for invoking Rule 21 and shutting down the Senate to compel Senator Pat Roberts and the Republican Senate establishment to stop dragging its feet on its investigation into the administration's use and potential abuse of WMD intelligence. Reid relished telling the tale of how it all unfolded. :: David M. Wagner 6:49 PM [+] :: ... We do not revisit our abortion precedents today, but rather address a question of remedy: If enforcing a statute that regulates access to abortion would be unconstitutional in medical emergencies, what is the appropriate judicial response? We hold that invalidating the statute entirely is not always necessary or justified, for lower courts may be able to render narrower declaratory and injunctive relief.And that's about it. Sounds like a victory for the Salerno facial/as applied distinction, but I'm not sure. Also sounds like this one will be back. Nothing else could have prevented separate concurrences, unless the new Chief wields a much sharper whip than his prededessor, on colleagues much older than himself. :: David M. Wagner 12:35 PM [+] :: ... As Justice Thomas notes in his separate dissent, the outcome here may be right if the outcome and reasoning in Raich are wrong, but not if Raich is right. :: David M. Wagner 4:25 PM [+] :: ... Does she think she's advancing the debate, or is this just political positioning, impressing the folks in Miami, staking a claim to be the next Bella Abzug, whatever? :: David M. Wagner 12:21 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 11:08 PM [+] :: ... It took less than a minute to say, but Leahy managed to claim that these six present and former federal judges are cowards and aggressive sycophants, and that Alito is the kind of guy who would use Supreme Court opinions to get even with former colleagues for criticizing him. It's so sleazy, I'm tempted to accuse Leahy of exploiting a stereotype about Italian-Americans. Sens. Sessions and Cornyn have called Leahy on this. Meanwhile, Sen. Durbin explicitly "associated" himself with Leahy's comments. EDITED TO ADD: Apparently Feingold was the first to float this puppy. :: David M. Wagner 4:55 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 11:25 PM [+] :: ... Duh, duh, and double duh. Alito got the answer right, but perhaps not the framework. He mentioned that he had listed his political donations but not his charitable donations, and trusted observers to understand the analogy. He is too confident in the intellectual honesty of his opponents. I suggest he put it this way: Senator, at the time I applied for that job, my resume was strong on the technical-legal side, but weak on the political side. As the job was a political one, this was a problem. Those looking at my record could see Princeton yadda yadda yadda, Yale Law yadda yadda yadda, law review yadda yadda yadda, clerkship yadda yadda yadda, but they wouldn't have any reason to think I supported the political platform of their Administration unless I gave them some reason to think so. That was why I listed every conservative association I could plausibly claim, rather than listing every organization I am or ever have been a member of. Do you see now, Senator? That application wasn't a xanga where the idea is to express everything most important to you. It was an occasion to compensate for a relative weakness in my resume, in pursuit of a job where that weakness was a potential problem. :: David M. Wagner 5:24 PM [+] :: ... With a "growing sense of inevitability" about Alito's confirmation (though, indeed, let's not get complacent), the Senators of the Left are probably just doing their command performances for their activist groups. Most of them need to keep those people happy for reelection, just as the Senators of the Right have to do for their groups. Reelection is never a serious concern for Kennedy (though Mitt Romney gave him a run for the money); in his case, it's probably true ideological fervor. Say, did you see where Kennedy is going to "write" a children's book about his imaginary pet Portuguese water-dog, named "Splash"? I. Am. Not. Making. This. Up. :: David M. Wagner 1:07 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 10:31 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 2:54 PM [+] :: ... The Democrats will light a fire under the great American racial divide and send Alito into the flames and, with him, kick off the 2006 Democratic campaign to recapture Congress from white sheeted Republicans....Democrat Senators are certainly picking up these themes. Quin adds: So far, the answers to the one-man, one vote issue have been highly academic, but far, far from being effective sound bites. WE MUST HAVE AN effective sound-bite. So far we don’t. The fact is that Alito’s views on the reapportionment cases are thoroughly respectable. But if we can’t explain in a sound bite why they are respectable, then we open the door to letting the Dems start ot add on their other “equality” issues to pound home the message Blanton warns about. :: David M. Wagner 1:22 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 12:45 PM [+] :: ... Both are leaning even more on the NSA issue than the "choice" issue. Clearly the "save Roe" issue is not going to carry it for the Democrats; it's doubtful that the safe-communications-for-terrorists issue will either. Specter seems to want it both ways: he wants an "independent" Court, yet he blasts the Court for criticizing Congress's reasoning in U.S. v. Morrison (Violence Against Women Act). Utterly independent of the President, utterly dependent on Congress -- that seems to be the kind of Justice a President should look for, according to Specter and Leahy. Leahy would add that the nominee should also be black, hispanic, or female, though he exonerated Alito of personal responsibility for not being any of these. :: David M. Wagner 12:25 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 12:24 PM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 11:17 AM [+] :: ... "I am not sure his glasses fit his facial features. He might not wear the right color tie. He won't be tanned. He will look like he is from New Jersey, because he is." :: David M. Wagner 5:16 PM [+] :: ... Consider, for instance, the golden opportunity on Halloween this year when a light bulb in the courtroom's ceiling exploded during an argument. :: David M. Wagner 12:27 PM [+] :: ... |
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