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:: A constitutional law blog by Scalia/Thomas fan David M. Wagner, M.A., J.D., Research Fellow, National Legal Foundation, and Teacher, Veritas Preparatory Academy. Opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not reflect those of the NLF or Veritas. :: bloghome | E-mail me ::

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    :: Thursday, May 31, 2007 ::
    The dissent is never the "lede," unless....

    :: David M. Wagner 2:05 AM [+] ::
    :: Friday, May 25, 2007 ::
    An especially warm welcome to recent readers from Richmond, L.A., and Bonnie, IL.

    :: David M. Wagner 11:23 PM [+] ::
    :: Thursday, May 24, 2007 ::
    Washington Post blogpost on yesterday's hearing. Don't miss the comments.

    EDITED TO ADD: I've fixed the link. Well, I think I did....

    :: David M. Wagner 5:58 PM [+] ::
    :: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 ::
    A star is born: Rep. Artur Davis, D-AL, was impressive today. While he lost points for not always letting the witness answer fully, for the most part he showed himself a smooth prosecutorial questioner, and something about him -- the velvety voice? -- makes him a natural for CSPAN to have as a guest and for reporters to flock to after the hearing. We'll hear more from him, for good or ill.

    :: David M. Wagner 6:03 PM [+] ::
    So let me jot this down, pending comparison with the official hearing transcript:
    Rep. Steve Cohen, D-TN: Is there a disproportionate number of Regent Law graduates at the Department of Justice?

    Monica Goodling: There are many more from Harvard and Yale.

    Rep. Cohen: That's very refreshing.
    Of course the correct expression is "Yale and Harvard," but I assume Miss G. will correct that in due course. The more important question is, what was Rep. Cohen thinking of? "Refreshing"?

    Obviously graduates of elite schools have the inside track, at DOJ as everywhere else -- but does Mr. Cohen mean that there is, or should be, some sort of rule to that effect? Like, an administration comes under suspicion of misconduct if its Yale-and-Harvard quotient at DOJ falls below some specified level?

    Or is the problem not under-representation of the big boys but over-representation of schools that don't have the advantage of centuries to boost their present standing?

    And Rep. Mike Pence, R-IN -- glad you liked your own Christian conservative school, but I would guess not everyone here would endorse the easy elision of those two terms. In that regard, I note the witness's interesting comparison of her year at American U. and her two years here.

    But look -- I can't believe the committee Democrats aren't getting competent political advice, and I can't believe competent political advice would tell Mr. Cohen to sound the elitist theme, or to make this about upstarts from Virginia Beach challenging their Ivy League betters. That may be red meat to some corners of the leftist blogosphere (those that are either elitist themselves, or are willing to turn elitist opportunistically), but I can't believe it plays well with the general voting public.

    :: David M. Wagner 1:05 PM [+] ::
    :: Sunday, May 13, 2007 ::
    Thanks to those who keep checking in. Right now I'm doing pretty much nothing but grading exams and getting ready for a conference. Will be back with my snark on shortly.

    :: David M. Wagner 11:08 PM [+] ::

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