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:: welcome to NINOMANIA:: A constitutional law blog by Scalia/Thomas fan David M. Wagner, M.A., J.D., Research Fellow, National Legal Foundation, and Teacher, Veritas Preparatory Academy. Opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not reflect those of the NLF or Veritas. :: bloghome | E-mail me :: | |
:: Friday, August 31, 2007 ::
:: David M. Wagner 12:05 AM [+] :: ... :: David M. Wagner 12:03 AM [+] :: ... I remember another "Just Us Department" -- in 1988, when Mr. Meese left, and the Deputy was the mild-mannered Utahan Hal Christensen, who had replaced the gifted but not so mild-mannered Arnold Burns. Anyway, the Deputy never needed to take over, because President Reagan moved swiftly to nominate former Pa. Gov. Richard Thornburgh, who sailed through the Senate and was ready to take the oath of office the day Mr. Meese left. This time, the betting is that Senate Democrats will "pull an Elliot Richardson," i.e. refuse to confirm a successor unless that successor pledges to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate [insert alleged Bush/Gonzales scandal du jour here]. I assume Fred Fielding has thought this through.... :: David M. Wagner 10:36 PM [+] :: ... Federalist Society debate here. Scotusblog discussion of panel opinion here. :: David M. Wagner 11:29 PM [+] :: ... |