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:: A constitutional law blog by Scalia/Thomas fan David M. Wagner, M.A., J.D., Research Fellow, National Legal Foundation, and Teacher, Veritas Preparatory Academy. Opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not reflect those of the NLF or Veritas. :: bloghome | E-mail me ::

-- Eve Tushnet

"Frankfurter was born too soon for the Web, but I'm sure that, had it been possible, there would have been the equivalent of Ninomania for Frankfurter."
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    :: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 ::
    Southwick confirmed! Ed Whelan totes up the heroes, who include Senators Specter and Feinstein.

    :: David M. Wagner 2:20 PM [+] ::
    :: Monday, October 22, 2007 ::
    The suspense is over: Hu-Jintao Reelected Leader of the Communist Party of China, reports the national daily of Cuba.

    :: David M. Wagner 3:22 PM [+] ::
    :: Thursday, October 18, 2007 ::
    THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK -- Got one! Near the end of his Nebbia dissent, Mr. Justice McReynolds wrote:
    The somewhat misty suggestion below, that condemnation of the challenged legislation would amount to holding "that the due process clause has left milk producers unprotected from oppression," I assume, was not intended as a material contribution to the discussion upon the merits of the cause.
    291 U.S. 502, 559. Usually, if you wanted that much rudeness from McReynolds, you either had to meet him, or be Jewish.

    :: David M. Wagner 11:36 PM [+] ::
    :: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 ::
    Obama Reaches Out to Religious Voters
    The candidate himself wasn't on the bill. But about 50 people showed up to talk about the war, poverty and trying to seize back the moral mantle some in the GOP claim. The night also featured an Obama video and a campaign altar call — an invitation to become a "congregation contact" and rally support for the candidate.
    I don't know -- don't you think all this mixing of religion and politics threatens to tear down the constitutional wall of separaton between church and state? And be divisive? And exclusionary?

    :: David M. Wagner 7:58 PM [+] ::
    :: Monday, October 15, 2007 ::
    What Google ads tell us about the economics of lawyer advertising. (Hat-tip: Walter K. Olson, who is quoted with, as usual, a fine one-liner.)

    :: David M. Wagner 1:16 PM [+] ::
    I don't know about this, but I agree on one point: if it happens, Massachusetts will be first, finding that it's a protected right under its 1780 constitution.

    :: David M. Wagner 11:45 AM [+] ::
    Evidently, in reporting Sen. Craig's latest appeal, the headline writers are determined to avoid the embarassment into which their colleagues at Long Island's Newsday fell a number of years ago when convicted political boss Joe Margiotta filed an appeal, and the front page announced: "Margiotta Appealling."

    It was a one-joke day on Long Island, as thousands of citizens went around shouting "Not to me!"

    EDITED TO ADD: Ah ha, gotcha, KLEW-TV, Clarkston, ID: "Craig Appeals" Get a klew, KLEW!

    :: David M. Wagner 9:49 AM [+] ::
    :: Friday, October 12, 2007 ::
    More on Gordon Brown's "New" New Labour? Superbugs and "d.i.y." abortion

    :: David M. Wagner 1:07 PM [+] ::
    :: Thursday, October 11, 2007 ::
    Blogger Patrick Joubert Conlon reviews a book edited by Regent's own Charles W. Dunn. And here's the book!

    :: David M. Wagner 3:12 PM [+] ::
    In my e-mail this morning:
    "Liberal Justices' Reliance on Legislative History: Principle, Strategy, and the Scalia Effect"
    Ohio State Public Law Working Paper No. 95
    Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies
    Working Paper Series No. 64

    Contact: JAMES J. BRUDNEY
    Ohio State University College of Law
    Full Text: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1008330
    ABSTRACT: This article conducts an in-depth examination of Supreme Court Justices' reliance on legislative history during the Burger, Rehnquist, and early Roberts eras. In doing so, it makes two important contributions to current statutory interpretation debates.....
    James Brudney, James Brudney.... Ah, yes!....

    From the Thomas/Hill hearings:
    Senator [Arlen] SPECTER. On page 37, Judge Hoerchner, you refer to a conversation with Mr. James Brudney, would you tell us what the circumstances were of that, please?
    Judge [Susan] HOERCHNER. A conversation between Anita and Jim Brudney?
    Senator SPECTER. Between you and Jim Brudney.
    Judge HOERCHNER. Between myself and Jim Brudney. Yes....

    And a most interesting Bill Safire column written just after the hearings while the Thomas nomination was still pending....

    :: David M. Wagner 2:49 PM [+] ::
    :: Monday, October 08, 2007 ::
    U.K.: Anti-gay comments could cost you seven years in jail

    :: David M. Wagner 2:47 PM [+] ::
    You're kidding -- did MoDo actually use "I Did Do It" as the title of her column about Justice Thomas's book? Looks like liberals can get away with racism in any quantity, and in any degree of putrescence.

    :: David M. Wagner 1:05 PM [+] ::
    My latest in The Weekly Standard on state marriage law, this time a Maryland Supreme Court decision upholding marriage, with a glance ahead toward litigation in California, and Maggie Gallagher's work there.

    :: David M. Wagner 12:52 PM [+] ::
    :: Saturday, October 06, 2007 ::
    Rep. JoAnn Davis, RIP

    :: David M. Wagner 10:29 PM [+] ::

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